Weekly Court Schedule

Our season runs from May through September. We follow a weekly schedule, offering opportunities for players of all skill levels to participate.

As the season progresses changes may be made based on participation in programs and  the feedback we receive from club members.

Click here to download the WEEKLY schedule.

Definitions and Expectations of Play

Court Rotation

Dedicated Courts – during Drop-in Play, Group Play or Rec. Play players waiting for a dedicated court must place their paddles in the ‘bin’ which is hanging on the fence. Only paddles used to play are allowed in the bin. Once a group is finished their game the next set of players waiting will take their place.

Players practicing must come off after 15 minutes.

Rec. Play

A partially organized (modified round-robin) where players of any skill level can join in and rotate on and off the courts as games are completed. (i.e., winners place paddles on one side of the bin, losing players on the other side. Each side (groups of 4) takes a turn going on a court)

Round Robin Play

Organized play based on skill level.





Within each skill level we offer men’s, women’s and mixed play.

RR players are expected to show up 10 minutes before the scheduled start time so that the captains have time to organize the sessions, ensuring that games start on time.


Organized opportunities to become a more proficient pickleball player.

cochranepickleballclub@gmail.com for more info.

Beginner Lessons

The club offers an introductory lesson to players with no or limited pickleball experience. To arrange a lesson please email cochranepickleballclub@gmail.com and one of the instructors will contact you to schedule the lesson.


Players wishing to participate in 2.0 or above Round Robins must be rated. Learn more about getting rated.